2mn visitors expected at China Pavilion at Expo 2020

 2mn visitors expected at China Pavilion at Expo 2020

 The Chinese Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai is expected to receive around two million visitors, a top executive of the Chinese Business Council (CBC) in the UAE told Emirates News Agency (WAM), adding that the global event will also help “attract more overseas enterprises to the UAE and open new opportunities for Chinese businesses in the Emirates.”

“As the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) is actively innovating new forms of participation for Expo 2020 Dubai, we are hopeful that the total number of visitors to the China Pavilion to reach two million during the 6-month long event,” Wang Guihai, Chairman of the CBC, said in a virtual interview on Monday.

However, he clarified that this was the estimate before the pandemic – under the normal circumstances, and the actual number may wary, if the pandemic-induced travel restrictions and conditions come up in future.

Still, he stressed that, “The UAE has achieved impressive vaccination record, and with the improvement of the situation and further relaxation of travel restrictions, we expect more Chinese tourists to visit the Expo.”

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