Boris Johnson to tell world to ‘grow up’ on climate change

 Boris Johnson to tell world to ‘grow up’ on climate change

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson will urge the world to “grow up” and take responsibility for climate change in his UN General Assembly address in New York later today.

With the Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow looming, Mr Johnson will exhort world leaders to change their “infantile” approach.

“Of our allotted lifespan of a million, humanity has been around for about 200,000. In other words, we are still collectively a youngster,” Mr Johnson is expected to say.

“In terms of the life of our species, we are about 16. We have come to that fateful age when we know roughly how to drive and we know how to unlock the drinks cabinet and to engage in all sorts of activity that is not only potentially embarrassing but also terminal.

“In the words of the Oxford philosopher Toby Ord we are just old enough to get ourselves into serious trouble. We still cling with part of our minds to the infantile belief that the world was made for our gratification and pleasure, and we combine this narcissism with a primitive assumption of our own immortality.”

The sentiments are designed to show Mr Johnson as a robust, truth-telling figure on environmental issues, but his climate actions since becoming prime minister have diverged from his rhetoric.

Mr Johnson has approved a new North Sea oilfield, appointed former Australian prime minister and renowned climate sceptic Tony Abbot as a UK trade ambassador, approved the continuation of the high-speed HS2 railway – the construction of which will devastate wildlife and biodiversity – and failed to promote a comprehensive green recovery from the coronavirus pandemic in the vein of US President Joe Biden.

The National 

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